Section A: Seasonal Favorites

about Seasonal Favorites...
What says "spring so surely as fried chicken and the first fresh rhubarb? Or says "fall" like a big tureen of soup rich with harvest vegetables? Think "summer" and we see sparkling fruit pie and homemade pickle relish. Or "winter" and we summon up visions of a Wassail bowl or Crown Roast of Pork.
Happily, today we can if we wish enjoy most foods around the year through the modern ease of air transport, freezing and canning. But it is still true that they taste best - and cost least - when they are plentiful in season where we live. If refreshes us, pleases us and pads our budgets, too, to change our ways of cooking from warm weather to cold and to savor the flavors of each month as the calendar turns.
So let these taste-stimulating, time-tested and money-wise recipes help you spread your family table bountifully with foods in season.
Betty Crocker.