Hot Crabmeat - Avocado Salad

Hot Crabmeat - Avocado Salad

The phrase "Hot Crabmeat-Avocado Salad" is making my stomach a bit queasy. The actual recipe is not helping. The first ingredient is 1 can (7-1/2 ounces) crabmeat, drained and cartilage removed. I have never seen canned crabmeat. I would think it would be stocked in the same aisle as the canned tuna. I have spent a good amount of time in that aisle and I recall canned tuna and salmon but not crabmeat. Maybe it is stocked in an aisle that I have no reason to visit. Canned crabmeat could be in the baby food aisle.

Why are black olives packaged in cans and green olives packaged in jars? What is the difference between "cheese food" and "cheese product"? Why does cheese need to be fed?

An elegant, different hot salad with a moist filling and crunchy topping. EWWW!

Update: I went shopping and saw cans of crabmeat. It was on the same shelf as tuna.

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