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1971 Betty Crocker Recipe Cards More ugliness and humor from 1971. 1971 holds no special significance to me. I just keep finding ugly stuff from that year at garage sales. Updated bi-weekly until completed.

Tiger Apparel: A large collection of catalog pictures from the 1960's and 1970's

MATCH GAME WALLPAPER FACTORY At this extensive fan site, video clips and screen captures galore are on review. Plenty of computer wallpapers devoted to the personalities are ready to download, too.

Modern Homes Between 1908 and 1940, one could order from Sears a complete do it yourself house. "Entire homes would arrive by railroad, from precut lumber, to carved staircases, down to the nails and varnish. Families picked out their houses according to their needs, tastes, and pocketbooks. Sears provided all the materials and instructions, and for many years the financing, for homeowners to build their own houses."

Sears The official site.

The Institute of Official Cheer A site by James Lileks that has fun with American pop culture. The gallery of regrettable food, interior desecrations (more 1970's fun) and more.

Weight Watchers Recipe Cards, circa 1974 If you feel tempted to cheat on your diet, visit this site. You will lose your appetite and maybe the meal you are currently digesting. Even the food in the 1970's was ugly.

Cate's Garage Sale Finds Look at the crap other people owned.

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