Kitchen Appliances

Lady Kenmore. 6 cycles, 4 colors. I like how Sears assumes that the woman of the house does the dishes. When I was growing up we had avocado green and harvest gold.

He went too far. She had no choice but to chop him up. Fortunately, she has the Lady Kenmore garbage disposal. That could eliminate bones and other wastes right in the sink. No need to drag the body outside in front of the prying eyes of neighbors. She made up a story about his disappearance. She sold the house, got the life insurance settlement check and moved to Aruba to start a new life.

The meat in the first photo is wrapped in clear plastic. Initially, I thought it was just thrown in there. Both of these refrigerators have an unnatural neatness in their interior arrangement. The model in the second picture comes with an automatic ice maker, which is pictured on the side, but yet there are ice cube trays in the freezer.

Endorsed by Stewart Udall, former Secretary of the Interior. He has never endorsed a commercial product and he won't take money for the endorsement. Sears donated his endorsement fee to a scholarship fund for Indian students. Wow. Where are the Stewart Udalls of today?
Presidential trivia: Herbert Hoover was independently wealthy so he contributed all his paychecks for his federal service to charity.