One could get out of wearing the hideous fashions that Sears tried to sell by making your own clothes. Wrong! Sears made sure everyone wore ugly clothes.

The new realism in fake fur. Who did they think they were fooling?

Check out the room in the upper left hand corner. Rowr! All that is needed to complete the scene is an overweight, balding, hairy man in bikini briefs laying on the bed.

Could not find one in briefs but this should fit the bill.

I have had dreams about the woman in blue.

It looks like vinyl, it will always look like vinyl, there is nothing one can do make vinyl look like leather. What species of reptile was Sears trying to replicate?

Now I know where people with GeoCities websites get their backgrounds.

It is the creepy girl.

Turbo Acrylic - Whoom!

Corduroy Abuse

Punishment fabrics.