The Nursery of Death or How did Anyone Survive 1971?

Top: It's a baby aquarium! All three of the cribs would not meet today's safety standards. Heads would get stuck, necks get broken, just all kinds of horrors.

I guess babies that were unable to sit up were just screwed when it came to vehicle safety. I love the multipurpose car seat. Strap baby in and then put them in front of the TV. The scary thing is the travel playpen. This was designed to fit in the back seat of a car and the baby was free to move around and stretch out. There were no restraints.

Baby relaxing in front of TV

The travel playpen came in two sizes: regular car and compact car. This did not come with a lid like the baby aquarium.

Many babies who had their rooms decorated like this tried to claw their eyes out.

The Nursery of Death. Every one of these products would be considered unsafe today.

Some items from the "Whatever does not kill you will make you stronger" school of child development.

Except for the wallpaper and twin bed I actually like this room. The colors anyway. I want that Yertle the Turtle table. This is a color scheme worth looking into when I redecorate one of the rooms.
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