
There is nothing particularly hideous about these two pages, other than Buffy and Jody from Family Affair. I just thought it would be neat to display some pictures of vintage Mickey Mouse, Snoopy, Disney and Hot Wheels watches and clocks.
Speaking of Family Affair, I could not sleep one night so I sat up watching Nick at Nite's TV Land. I was finally getting sleepy during the closing credits of Family Affair. The closing credits have that cheesy lounge music and psychedelic background. Anyway, I saw the words: Music by Devo in the closing credits. I thought why would a 1980's new wave band being doing music for a 1960's TV show? I concluded that I was experiencing sleep deprivation induced hallucinations. I went to bed. I told my husband about my hallucination, the next morning.
A few days later, Nick at Nite was airing Family Affair at a more reasonable hour. Walter was with me. I needed to know if I really experienced a hallucination. We caught the beginning of the closing credits. The words: Music by Devol appeared. In my sleep deprived state I missed the "L" It seems that this Devol wrote a fair number of TV theme songs. His full name is Frank De Vol. Sometimes credited as DeVol.
Some of his compositions included music for: The Love Boat, McCloud, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?, Cat Ballou, and My Three Sons. More information can be found here.